Brīdinājumi, Weiser Point

Coastal event

14.03. 3:10 priekšpusdienā 03:10 – 14.03. 12:00 pēcpusdienā 12:00

Beach Hazards Statement issued March 13 at 8:10PM PDT until March 14 at 5:00AM PDT by NWS Portland OR * WHAT...Sneaker waves possible. * WHERE...North and Central Coast of Oregon, and South Washington Coast. * WHEN...Until 5 AM PDT Friday. * IMPACTS...Waves can run up significantly farther on a beach than normal, including over rocks and jetties. Sneaker waves can suddenly knock people off of their feet and quickly pull them into the frigid ocean which may lead to serious injury or drowning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Keep children and pets away from the surf zone. Keep off of jetties, rocks and logs near the surf zone. If you see someone swept into the sea do not swim in after them. Call 911 and keep an eye on them until help arrives. Razor clammers beware. Remain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions.

National Weather Service

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