Brīdinājumi, Hidden Lake Trail


12.03. 2:47 priekšpusdienā 02:47 – 12.03. 6:00 priekšpusdienā 06:00

Special Weather Statement issued March 11 at 8:47PM MDT by NWS Great Falls MT Light snow will affect the Northern Rocky Mountain Front overnight. Snow accumulations of an inch or two are likely on Marias Pass on Highway 2, with up to 3 inches possible at ridge tops. For those traveling along Highway 2 from East Glacier Park to Marias Pass, be alert for changing road conditions, along with areas of reduced visibility.

National Weather Service

Nākamās 24 stundas

Pasaules laika apstākļi šodien

Siltākais un aukstākais

Min Max

Mani laika apstākļi

Atrašanās vieta

Laika apstākļi Montāna