Brīdinājumi, Socorro Peak

Low temperature

12.01. 7:00 priekšpusdienā 07:00 – 12.01. 4:00 pēcpusdienā 16:00

Freeze Warning issued January 11 at 12:58PM MST until January 12 at 9:00AM MST by NWS Phoenix AZ * WHAT...For the first Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures in the lower 30s expected. For the second Freeze Warning, hard freeze conditions with temperatures in the mid to upper 20s expected. * WHERE...Central La Paz County, Aguila Valley, and Gila River Valley. * WHEN...For the first Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 9 AM MST Sunday. For the second Freeze Warning, from midnight Sunday Night to 9 AM MST Monday. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

National Weather Service

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