04.01. 8:00 pēcpusdienā 20:00 – 05.01. 5:00 priekšpusdienā 05:00
- Possible impacts: Risk of skidding - Recommendations for action: Stay informed about the driving conditions (through radio, 163 telephone service, TV, media). Drive carefully and maintain a greater distance from other vehicles - Type of the danger: danger of black ice caused by freezing rain
MeteoSwissNākamās 24 stundas
Pasaules laika apstākļi šodien
+9° 48°
0° 32°
0° 32°
+9° 48°
-1° 30°
+6° 43°
-1° 30°
-3° 27°
-3° 27°
+18° 64°
Siltākais un aukstākais
Неукен, Аржентина
+37° 99°
Ouyen, Австралия
+36° 97°
Tabukiniberu Village, Кирибати
+28.2° 83°
Buin, Папуа Нова Гвинея
+27.9° 82°
Port-Olry, Вануату
+25.9° 79°
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-24.1° -11°
Ulaangom, Монголия
-31.2° -24°
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-37.8° -36°
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-45° -49°
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-48.2° -55°