Brīdinājumi, Bruchflage


31.12. 5:00 pēcpusdienā 17:00 – 01.01. 1:00 priekšpusdienā 01:00

Official WARNING of WIND GUSTS There is a risk of wind gusts (level 1 of 4). Max. gusts: 50-60 km/h; Wind direction: south-west; Increased gusts: in exposed locations < 70 km/h Hazard(s) to expect: light objects flying through the air. Recommendations for what to do: Secure loose objects. For example, fasten tents and coverings.

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst


01.01. 1:00 priekšpusdienā 01:00 – 01.01. 7:00 priekšpusdienā 07:00

Official WARNING of GALE-FORCE GUSTS There is a risk of gale-force gusts (level 2 of 4). Max. gusts: 55-70 km/h; Wind direction: south-west Hazard(s) caused by: single branches falling; objects flying through the air. Recommendations for what to do: Secure free-standing objects (e.g. screens and furniture). For example, fasten tents and coverings. Watch out for falling objects outdoors (e.g. branches).

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst

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