High temperature
14.03. 12:00 priekšpusdienā 00:00 – 15.03. 12:00 priekšpusdienā 00:00
Severe Heatwave Warning for the South Interior District.
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
High temperature
14.03. 12:00 priekšpusdienā 00:00 – 17.03. 11:59 pēcpusdienā 23:59
Heatwave warning for Western Australia Issued at 02:24pm WST on Friday 14 March 2025 Valid for Friday 14 March 2025 to Saturday 15 March 2025 The next heatwave warning will be issued by 2:00pm WST on Saturday 15 March 2025 Safety Advice:: Severe heatwaves can be dangerous for many people, especially older people, babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with medical conditions and people who are unwell.Seek a place to keep cool, such as your home, a library, community centre or shopping centre.Close your windows and draw blinds, curtains or awnings early in the day to keep the heat out of your home.If available, use fans or air-conditioners to keep cool. For information on staying safe during a heatwave go to the https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/F_I/Heatwave-be-prepared-for-extreme-heat
Australian Government Bureau of MeteorologyNākamās 24 stundas
Pasaules laika apstākļi šodien
+8° 46°
+4° 39°
+7° 45°
+3° 37°
-1° 30°
+15° 59°
+3° 37°
+3° 37°
+7° 45°
+23° 73°
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San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán, Guatemala
+40° 104°
Salineño, Amerikas Forenede Stater
+39.4° 103°
Whyalla, Australien
+36.5° 98°
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+34° 93°
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+32° 90°
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-22.7° -9°
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-25.7° -14°
Tosontsengel, Mongoliet
-29.2° -21°
Genhe, Kina
-32.5° -26°
Oymyakon, Rusland
-48.3° -55°
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