22.12. 5:35 priekšpusdienā 05:35 – 23.12. 1:00 pēcpusdienā 13:00
Sheep graziers are warned that cold temperatures, showers and southwesterly winds are expected during Sunday evening and Monday morning. Areas likely to be affected include parts of the North Central, North East, South West, Central, West and South Gippsland and East Gippsland forecast districts. There is a risk of losses of lambs and sheep exposed to these conditions. Warning to Sheep Graziers Next issue: 11:00 pm EDT Sunday
Australian Government Bureau of MeteorologyNākamās 24 stundas
Pasaules laika apstākļi šodien
+13° 55°
+7° 45°
-5° 23°
+5° 41°
+4° 39°
+11° 52°
+4° 39°
+5° 41°
+1° 34°
+24° 75°
Siltākais un aukstākais
Tete, Mozambik
+41.1° 106°
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+32° 90°
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+31° 88°
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+30° 86°
Chongoyape, Peru
+27° 81°
Xinqing, Kína
-23° -9°
Anaktuvuk Pass, Egyesült Államok
-27.8° -18°
Savukoski, Finnország
-29.1° -20°
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-30.2° -22°
Novyy Urgal, Oroszországi Föderáció
-36.3° -33°