12.03. 11:00 pēcpusdienā 23:00 – 13.03. 10:59 pēcpusdienā 22:59
The windspeed can temporarily exceed 70 km/h. Some branches or trees brought down. Localised travel disruption. Localised problems for high-sided vehicles on prone routes. Drive with care, especially on exposed routes. Be aware of possible debris being blown around.
12.03. 11:00 pēcpusdienā 23:00 – 13.03. 10:59 pēcpusdienā 22:59
Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail. Be especially careful in highly exposed places (mountains, forests, open areas).
HungaroMetNākamās 24 stundas
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+41.6° 107°
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+39.4° 103°
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+34° 93°
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+31° 88°
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-17.3° 1°
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-21.7° -7°
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-22.8° -9°
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